Oracle Analytic Function - Beispiel 5 - "Gleitende Summe" und Kumulative Werte berechnen

Mit Hilfe einer Fensterfunktion soll, ausgehende vom aktuellen Datensatz, die Summe der letzten Monate ( mit „ROWS BETWEEN start_point AND end_point“) bzw. die gesamte kumulative Summe (mit „ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW“ ) berechnet werden.


Übersicht Window Function Oracle ANA

Beispiel Cumlative aufsummieren

Mit „SUM(<Spalte>) OVER (ORDER BY TRUNC(<Treibendes Datum>) ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)“ kann der cumulative Wert einer Spalte (über das Datum getrieben) ermittelt werden.

Zum Beispiel für die Darstellung von S Kurven in Primavera:

    , trunc(actsp.startdate)                       AS actsp_startdate
    , to_char(trunc(actsp.startdate),'') AS displaydate
      -- BL planned labor units summed by date
    , SUM(actsp.baselineplannedlaborunits) AS sum_blplannedlaborunits
      -- BL planned labor units - running totals by date
    , SUM(SUM(actsp.baselineplannedlaborunits)) OVER (ORDER BY trunc(actsp.startdate) ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_blplannedlaborunits
      -- Actual labor units summed by date
    , SUM(actsp.actuallaborunits) AS sum_actuallaborunits
      -- Actual labor units - running totals by date
    , SUM(SUM(actsp.actuallaborunits)) OVER(ORDER BY trunc(actsp.startdate) ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_actuallaborunits
      -- EV labor units summed by date
    , SUM(actsp.earnedvaluelaborunits) AS sum_earnedvaluelaborunits
      -- EV labor units - running totals by date
    , SUM(SUM(actsp.earnedvaluelaborunits)) OVER (ORDER BY trunc(actsp.startdate) ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_earnedvaluelaborunits
FROM  project prj -- for Securtiy use P6 Tables!!
    , activityspread actsp
WHERE LIKE (:p_project_id)
  AND prj.objectid = actsp.projectobjectid
  AND actsp.startdate BETWEEN to_date(:p_startdate,'') AND to_date(:p_enddate,'')
GROUP BY trunc(actsp.startdate),
ORDER BY actsp_startdate


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