
Disk Aligment unter Windows prüfen

Der Partition Offset, die File Allocation Unit Size und die Stripe Unit Size müssen zusammen passen, damit bei einem Lese/Schreibzugriff auf die Platten möglichst wenig physikalische Zugriffe notwendig werden.



Überblick Disk Aligment


Stripe Unit Size
Vom Storage Administrator erfragen

Partition Offset
Offset der Partitionen bestimmen:

Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskPartition | select Name,BlockSize,NumberOfBlocks,Size,StartingOffset | format-Table

File Allocation Unit Size

 fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo d:

Bytes Per Cluster value ⇒ file allocation unit size


 Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | select DriveLetter,Label,Blocksize

Ermittelte Werte prüfen:

Powershell Script um die Abfragen zu automatisieren

write-host ("-"*80)
write-host "Info -- Check Disk Aligment"
write-host ("-"*80)
# prompt for the Stripe Unit Size
$lun_alloc_size=Read-Host "Please enter the stripe unit size of the storage in byte [4096]:"
if ($lun_alloc_size -lt 1 ) {
write-host "Info -- Use the stripe unit size of $lun_alloc_size byte"
foreach ( $disk in (Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskPartition | Sort-Object $_.Name ) ) {
	write-host  -ForegroundColor "yellow" ("="*80)
	#"class            :: " +$disk.__CLASS
	"Disk Name         :: " +$disk.Name 
	"Description       :: " +$disk.Description
	"Blocksize         :: " +$disk.BlockSize 
	"Number of Blocks  :: " +$disk.NumberOfBlocks 
	"Size              :: " +$disk.Size
	"Partition_Offset  :: " +$disk.StartingOffset
	#"DeviceID         :: " +$vol.DeviceID
	# check the Starting offset to the Stripe Unit Size of the storage
	$aligment_test=($disk.StartingOffset / $lun_alloc_size)
	if ( $aligment_test % 1 -gt 0) {
	write-host  -ForegroundColor $fgcolor  "Aligment Test Result Partition_Offset / Stripe_Unit_Size :: " + $aligment_test
	# get the Win32_LogicalDisk
	foreach ( $vol in ( Get-WmiObject -query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($disk.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition" ) ){
		write-host ("-"*20)
		"--          Check the Aligment over the file system File Allocation Unit Size" 
		#"--      Class      :: "+$vol.__CLASS
		#"--      DeviceID   :: "+$vol.DeviceID
		#"--      Driveletter:: "+$vol.DriveLetter 
		#"--      Label      :: "+$vol.Label
		#"--      Blocksize  :: "+$vol.Blocksize
		foreach ( $vol2 in (Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume  | where-object {$_.DriveLetter -eq $vol.DeviceID } )) {
			#"--         Class		                :: "+$vol2.__CLASS
			"--          DeviceID                   :: "+$vol2.DeviceID
			"--          Driveletter                :: "+$vol2.DriveLetter 
			"--          Label                      :: "+$vol2.Label
			"--          File_Allocation_Unit_Size  :: "+$vol2.Blocksize
			$aligment_test=($disk.StartingOffset / $vol2.Blocksize)
			if ( $aligment_test % 1 -gt 0) {
			write-host  -ForegroundColor $fgcolor  "--          Aligment Partition_Offset / File_Allocation_Unit_Size:: " + $aligment_test
			$aligment_test=($lun_alloc_size / $vol2.Blocksize)
			if ( $aligment_test % 1 -gt 0) {
			write-host  -ForegroundColor $fgcolor  "--          Aligment Stripe_Unit_Size / File_Allocation_Unit_Size:: " + $aligment_test
