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prog:apex_export_source_code_and_git [2018/03/09 22:48] – [Quellen] gpipperrprog:apex_export_source_code_and_git [2018/03/10 13:43] (aktuell) – [Script] gpipperr
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +=====Oracle Apex Source Code automatisch exportieren und einchecken mit Git unter Windows mit der PowerShell=====
 +**Aufgabe:**  Täglich den Apex Source in ein Git Repository einchecken
 +Zu Git siehe [[prog:git_server|Distributed version control mit Git]]
 +Mit dem Hilfsprogramm **oracle.apex.APEXExport** lassen sich alle Elemente von Apex exportieren , mit **oracle.apex.APEXExportSplitter** läßt sich die Application in einzelne Elemente zerlegen.
 +**Ablauf im Script:**
 +  - Falls noch kein Security Object für das Password hinterlegt ist, Password vom User abfragen
 +  - Umgebung setzen
 +  - Export des Workspaces
 +  - Export der Instance
 +  - Aufsplitten der Application in Einzelelemente
 +  - Einchecken in GIT
 +Das besondere am folgenden Powershell Script ist das Password Handling. Das Password des Oracle Users ist nicht im Script enthalten. 
 +Nach dem Anpassen der Parameter muss daher das Script einmalig über die Powershell interaktiv gestartet werden um das Passwort des Oracle Users zu hinterlegen. 
 +Dazu wird das PSCredential Object verwendet, eine Dialog Box wird geöffent, das Objekt wird als XML File serialisiert und beim nächsten Start des Script wieder verwendet.
 +=== Script ===
 +<code powershell backupApex.ps1>
 +# Author: Gunther Pippèrr ( )
 +# Desc:   Backup APEX instance
 +# Date:   March 2012
 +# Site:
 + Created: 03.2018 : Gunther Pippèrr (c)
 + Security:
 + (see )
 + To switch it off (as administrator)
 + get-Executionpolicy -list
 + set-ExecutionPolicy -scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
 + Script to Backup APEX instance
 + Script to rScript to Backup APEX instance
 + Oracle Backup Script
 +# Helper Function to write log file and display message
 +function local-print{
 + # Parameters
 + Param( 
 +   [String]   $ForegroundColor = 'White'
 + , [String[]] $text 
 + , [String[]] $errortext
 + )
 + # End param
 + Begin {}
 + Process {
 + $backup_log = $log_file
 + # Message for the log
 + if ($errortext){
 + $text=$errortext 
 + $ForegroundColor = "red"
 + }
 + $log_message = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") +":: " +$text 
 + try {
 + write-host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor $text  
 + # check if the file is accessible
 + try{
 + $log_message  | Out-File -FilePath "$backup_log" -Append
 + }
 + catch {
 +     write-host -ForegroundColor "red" "Error -- Log file not accessible see text above"
 + }
 + catch {
 + throw "Error -- Failed to create log entry in: $backup_log. The error was: $_."
 + }
 + }
 + End {}
 +# Environment
 +$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value
 +$scriptpath=Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
 +local-print -text  "Info -- start the Script in the path $scriptpath" 
 +# Runtime Parameter
 +$apex_util_dir = "C:\oracle\apex\utilities\"
 +$ora_odbc_lib  = "C:\oracle\products\\dbhome_1\jdbc\lib\ojdbc8.jar"
 +$java_home     = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112"
 +$git_home      = "C:\Program Files\Git"
 +$git_repos     = "C:\work\apexRepos"
 +# DB
 +# PWD
 +$db_user     = "system"
 +$oracle_credential = "$scriptpath\ORACLE_CREDENTIAL.xml"
 +# To store the password we use  the PSCredential object
 +# if the serialized object of the password not exists
 +# prompt the user to enter the password
 +if (!(test-path -path $oracle_credential)) {
 + $user_credential=GET-CREDENTIAL -credential "$db_user"  
 + export-clixml -InputObject $user_credential -Path $oracle_credential
 +else {
 +   $user_credential=Import-Clixml -Path $oracle_credential
 +#get the clear type password
 +# set the environment
 +set-item -path env:CLASSPATH   -value "$ora_odbc_lib;$apex_util_dir"
 +set-item -path env:GIT_HOME    -value "$git_home"
 +set-item -path env:JAVA_HOME   -value "$java_home"
 +# go to the git Repos
 +if (!(test-path -path $repos_workspace)) {new-item -path $repos_workspace -itemtype directory}
 +Set-Location $repos_workspace
 +# Export all Workspaces 
 +& "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java"  oracle.apex.APEXExport  -db $database -user $db_user -password $db_password -expWorkspace 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "JAVA OUT::",$_.ToString() }
 +if (!(test-path -path $repos_report)) {new-item -path $repos_report -itemtype directory}
 +Set-Location $repos_report
 +# -expSavedReports 
 +# & "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java"  oracle.apex.APEXExport  -db $database -user $db_user -password $db_password -expPubReports
 +if (!(test-path -path $repos_instance)) {new-item -path $repos_instance -itemtype directory}
 +Set-Location $repos_instance
 +# Export the Instance
 +& "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java"  oracle.apex.APEXExport  -db $database -user $db_user -password $db_password -instance 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "JAVA OUT::",$_.ToString() }
 +#  alternativ Source Code exportieren only of one application
 +# java  oracle.apex.APEXExport  -db -user system -password xxxxxx -applicationid 100
 +# Split the Code 
 +local-print -text  "Info -- Split the files in $git_repos\instance"  -ForegroundColor "green"
 +# Loop over all sql Files 
 +$sqlfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$git_repos\instance" -filter f*.sql 
 +for ($i=0; $i -lt $sqlfiles.Count; $i++) {
 +   # remove old not necessary
 +   # Remove-Item -Path $sqlfiles[$i].BaseName -Recurse -Force
 +   # Split the files
 +   write-host "Info -- Split App :: " $sqlfiles[$i].BaseName
 +   & "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java"  oracle.apex.APEXExportSplitter -update  $sqlfiles[$i].FullName 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "JAVA OUT::",$_.ToString() }
 +# GIT
 +Set-Location "$git_repos"
 +$datum = Get-Date
 +& "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" add .  2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "GIT OUT::",$_.ToString() }
 +& "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" commit -m "Commit done by $env:UserName at $datum" 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "GIT OUT::",$_.ToString() }
 +# Push to remote if exists
 +#& "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" push
 +# Optimize database to avoid a too large db
 +& "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" gc 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "GIT OUT::",$_.ToString() }
 +#  go back home
 +Set-Location $scriptpath
 +################### END ############################
 +Aktuelle Version für die OraPowerShell unter
 +==== Quellen ====
 +  * Application Express App Builder User's Guide =>
 +  *
 +  *
 +  *
prog/apex_export_source_code_and_git.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/03/10 13:43 von gpipperr