Ein einfaches Template für eine User Story als Vorlage
Im Netz ( siehe Quellen ) findet sich sehr viel zu dem Thema User Story. daher hier nur mein Template hinterlegt, damit ich das beim Kunden zur Hand habe.
Das hier ist auch nicht 100% die absolute Lehre, es hilft aber etwas Struktur in das Projekt zu bringen und die Aufgabe zu lösen.
Das Template für die Kernaussagen:
As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.
Folgende Elemente sollte eine User Story enthalten
- Der hauptsächliche Sinn des Ganzen
- Etwas Hintergrund Information ( erster Text für Online Hilfe )
- Die Details zum EPIC damit die Story Rund wird
- Was muss erreicht werden, damit die Story auch als fertig akzeptiert wird
- Was muss funktionieren bevor die Story auch in die Produktion deployt wird ( Test Plan Ergebnis)
Mein Template als Beispiel
- userstory.txt
User Story for APEX Development - As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason #EPIC As a business user I want to edit the parameter table after authorization so that the Menu-Visibility within the application is dynamically possible. --Main Idea behind the base table: Over this base table we can setup ..... and make komplex things #USER STORY a) As a business user I want to see the text of the main idea of the table on the side and in the online help so that new colleges understand the general meaning of this table. b) As a business user I want to delete entries in the parameter table so that the configuration is not used any more. c) As a business user I want to change entries in the parameter table so that the configuration can be updated d) As an admin user I want to see who has changes the data in the parameter table so that we can retrace changes. e) As a business user I want to select the values from a list of values so that I not need to remember all possible vaues for each item. As a business user I want to have these list of values so that I we can have standard values in the table. 1. LOV details xxxx <List of LOV Details> g) As a business user I want so see this column headings so that I understand the meaning of the values. 1. Column details xxxx <List of column headers> #ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Ensure the business user is able to: a) Only an authorized User can edit the form b) Help text with short description on form and in the online help is available c) Delete a record / Add a new record / Change a record d) Can create records for new business line as copy out of existing records of a lines e) Use List of values for fixed values #DEFINITON OF DONE ( Results of the TEST cases) a) Access is secured b) All CRUD Operation can be done over the form c) List of values show the right values d) Online help text is there
prog/user_story_template.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/08/08 15:27 von gpipperr